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Английский | инглиш | English (як вам угодно)

In this location we speak only English. You can use a translator. Sorry for my English, please. I only lived in Britain for two years. Well, waiting for my foreigners in the comments. You want to create the same with Italian.

Nice topic!

Btw, I think English is more popular than Italian, so... it probably will be hard to find someone here who speaks Italian.

You're right. I wonder who speaks French here? I could use a better look at it. I hope all the words are spelled correctly. And times coincide, because with this I have poorly. I wish I could use my own jargon, because I don't know how to spell it in English.

Well, I can say you have a problem with this one:

I only lived in Britain for two years.

But I'm not sure of my own manner of speaking English and other stuff...

And yes, I haven't seen here a person who'd speak French.

Well, I know a little bit of French, we learn it at school... @dayfan

Hi there! What's up? How're ya?

I, maybe, can understand French, but, I can't speak fluently in it.

Personally, I'm fine. How about you? @cuddlies

Oh, you guys decided to join us in speaking in English! So nice)

I'm okay.

Yeah, I think it's kinda cool. So... Maybe play "Truth or Lie?""

(I just don't know what to talk about)

Oh, I don't have problems with that, but you'll have to explain this game to me,  because Karin, as always, doesn't know anything about it....  鳥Cuddlies鳥 


Ok. I ask you a question like " Have you ever..." or "Do you" and you answer it with only "Truth" or "lie"

Alright. Let's play then. @cuddlies

Цитата: Karin Snape от 03.06.2019, 13:13

Alright. Let's play then. @cuddlies

Can I play with you too?

@aliro Sure

Цитата: Karin Snape от 03.06.2019, 14:33

@aliro Sure

Oh okay, thank you)

@aliro No problem))


*How do you do?

*What other languages do you know?

@dimitraxan @aliro

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