Тесты на знания
Как хорошо ты знаешь песни из Вселенной Стивена?
Привет. В этом тесте ты сможешь проверить свои знания по песням из мультсериала. Для вопросов я брала только масштабные долгие, которые знают почти все.
Приятного прохождения!
Приятного прохождения!
Вопрос 1.
"I was fine with the men // who would come into her life now and again"
Вопрос 2.
"Happily wondering // Night after night // Is this how it works? // Am I doing it right?"
Вопрос 3.
"I like your band // And I like your song"
Вопрос 4.
"You just think about the life you’ll have togther after the war"
Вопрос 5.
"We became our fantasy // And I was sure she set me free"
Вопрос 6.
"And I want to inspire you // I want to be your rock // And when I talk It lights a fire in you"
Вопрос 7.
"I always thought I might be bad // Now I'm sure that it's true"
Вопрос 8.
"Through whoever you'll be // Through whatever you'll lose"
Вопрос 9.
"I will fight for the place where I’m free // To live together and exist as me"
Вопрос 10.
"Yes, we know that you're not her but you were hers"
Вопрос 11.
"So...um // Did you say I was different?"
Вопрос 12.
"Her cut is perfect and she's pink as well"
Вопрос 13.
"I'm coming into view as the world is turning"
Вы набрали 21 балл из 40.

Молодец, +3
Вы набрали 15 баллов из 40.
Не очень хорошо
Правильные ответы:
1. Its Over Isn’t It
2. Drift Away
3. What Can I Do (For You)
4. Do It For Her
5. Happily Ever After
6. Strong In The Real Way
7. Love Like You
8. No Matter What
9. We Are The Crystal Gems
10. Let Us Adore You
11. Something Entirely New
12. Haven’t You Noticed (I’m a Star)
лично я отвечала наугад +2