

Тест достаточно интересный. Не пользуемся переводчиком,ну.Вопросы  на логику тоже присутствуют. Пробуем проходить, пробуем!
Вопрос 1.
What can you catch but not throw?
Вопрос 2.
Sally is very determined to buy the car. She won't ....... no for an answer.
Вопрос 3.
Which word is the odd one out?
Вопрос 4.
If you want to open a bottle of wine, you need ......... .
Вопрос 5.
Which of the following is not a character in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?
Вопрос 6.
Which word is a synonym for the underlined word in the sentence? ( My parents were a bit ANXIOUS about the safety of the machinery. )
Вопрос 7.
You are running in a street marathon and you overtake the person in the second place. What place are you in now?
Вопрос 8.
Match the container with its contents: 1. bin. 2. trunk. 3. safe. 4. purse. 5. jug. a. cash, documents, jewellery. b. rubbish. c. clothes and personal things. d. water, milk. e. coins.
Вопрос 9.
Put the following sentences in the right order: 1. Go two blocks down this street. 2. Excuse me, how do I get to the nearest bank? 3. Stay on that road. 4. Turn right when you get to Manchester Road. 5. After about half a block it's on the left hand side.
Вопрос 10.
Your stepsister is your ......... .
Вопрос 11.
Ambulances have traffic priority as most of the time they deal with some kind of ........... .
Вопрос 12.
'Brunch' is the name given to ........ .
Вопрос 13.
Tom's mother has 3 children. One is named April, one is named May. What is the third one named?
Вопрос 14.
You shout Eureka if you are ........ .
Вопрос 15.
Sorrow looks ........ , worry looks ....... , and hope looks ....... .
Вопрос 16.
You can't ..... the past, but you can ....... the present by ......... over the future.
Вопрос 17.
It was very difficult to see the road through the ....... fog.

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