Тесты на знания

Насколько хорошо ты знаешь песни 6arelyhuman/а ^^

Тест для фанатов Берлихюмана :3
Вопрос 1.
"I wanna show you that you really mean something"
Вопрос 2.
"I would drop everything, yeah, instantly"
Вопрос 3.
"If you don't love me now, then you'll come around"
Вопрос 4.
"Wanna look into my eyes? See the devil that's inside?"
Вопрос 5.
"Roll the dice and play the game"
Вопрос 6.
"Everybody up in the club, put your hands up"
Вопрос 7.
"Yeah, sometimes I feel like I'm someone else"
Вопрос 8.
"Don't even act like you don't wanna see me"
Вопрос 9.
"I'm hungry for a feast, so what you gonna do?"
Вопрос 10.
"My face is turning blue"

I love twice

Я INFP, люблю женские кпоп группы и аниме ^^

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