Подбор картинок

Подборочка артов из аниме "Лагерь на свежем воздухе"

Я думаю, многие наслышаны об этом аниме 2018 года. но привлекло зрителей красивыми пейзажами, приятной рисовкой и чарующей атмосферностью.

Хоть оно и было выпущено аж два года назад, мне захотелось его вспомнить и поделиться с вами. Надеюсь, что после этой подборочки вам захочется его посмотреть (или ещё раз пересмотреть).

P.s. к сожалению, тестмейкер я ещё начинающий, поэтому извиняюсь за все ошибки и недочёты)
Вопрос 1.
Ну что ж, тыкаем, друзья!

Ореховый кустик

~Чтение ~Чай ~Звёздное небо ~Как же я люблю тёплые вязаные вещи\(≧▽≦)/ ~Мне нравится садоводство, а на подоконнике у меня маленький садик ~Призывала, призываю и буду призывать всех твор ...

Еще тесты:

Комментариев: 19

  1. Good day! trikky.ru

    Did you know that it is possible to send request perfectly lawful?
    We proffer a new legal way of sending business offer through feedback forms. Such forms are located on many sites.
    When such commercial offers are sent, no personal data is used, and messages are sent to forms specifically designed to receive messages and appeals.
    also, messages sent through contact Forms do not get into spam because such messages are considered important.
    We offer you to test our service for free. We will send up to 50,000 messages for you.
    The cost of sending one million messages is 49 USD.

    This offer is created automatically. Please use the contact details below to contact us.

    Contact us.
    Telegram — @FeedbackMessages
    Skype live:contactform_18
    WhatsApp — +375259112693

  2. Good day! trikky.ru

    Did you know that it is possible to send appeal utterly legally?
    We suggest a new legal way of sending business proposal through feedback forms. Such forms are located on many sites.
    When such requests are sent, no personal data is used, and messages are sent to forms specifically designed to receive messages and appeals.
    also, messages sent through feedback Forms do not get into spam because such messages are considered important.
    We offer you to test our service for free. We will send up to 50,000 messages for you.
    The cost of sending one million messages is 49 USD.

    This offer is created automatically. Please use the contact details below to contact us.

    Contact us.
    Telegram — @FeedbackMessages
    Skype live:contactform_18
    WhatsApp — +375259112693

  3. Hi! trikky.ru

    Did you know that it is possible to send letter lawful?
    We offer a new way of sending letter through contact forms. Such forms are located on many sites.
    When such business proposals are sent, no personal data is used, and messages are sent to forms specifically designed to receive messages and appeals.
    also, messages sent through communication Forms do not get into spam because such messages are considered important.
    We offer you to test our service for free. We will send up to 50,000 messages for you.
    The cost of sending one million messages is 49 USD.

    This message is created automatically. Please use the contact details below to contact us.

    Contact us.
    Telegram — @FeedbackMessages
    Skype live:contactform_18
    WhatsApp — +375259112693

  4. Good day! trikky.ru

    Did you know that it is possible to send business proposal lawfully?
    We suggesting a new way of sending request through feedback forms. Such forms are located on many sites.
    When such business proposals are sent, no personal data is used, and messages are sent to forms specifically designed to receive messages and appeals.
    also, messages sent through communication Forms do not get into spam because such messages are considered important.
    We offer you to test our service for free. We will send up to 50,000 messages for you.
    The cost of sending one million messages is 49 USD.

    This offer is created automatically. Please use the contact details below to contact us.

    Contact us.
    Telegram — @FeedbackMessages
    Skype live:contactform_18
    WhatsApp — +375259112693

  5. Hi! trikky.ru

    Did you know that it is possible to send request fully legally?
    We suggest a new method of sending commercial offer through feedback forms. Such forms are located on many sites.
    When such messages are sent, no personal data is used, and messages are sent to forms specifically designed to receive messages and appeals.
    also, messages sent through contact Forms do not get into spam because such messages are considered important.
    We offer you to test our service for free. We will send up to 50,000 messages for you.
    The cost of sending one million messages is 49 USD.

    This message is created automatically. Please use the contact details below to contact us.

    Contact us.
    Telegram — @FeedbackMessages
    Skype live:contactform_18
    WhatsApp — +375259112693

  6. Довольно хороший тест. И я ни разу не слышал об этом аниме, поэтому решил посмотреть. Годнота и аниме, и тестик. Автор молодетс

  7. Девчонка Из Фортнайт │ Крейзи крипер │ Ваш личный бургер:


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